A special message for solopreneurs struggling through COVID-19

Dear soloprener,

I'm sitting on my back deck as I write this to you - taking a moment to step outside + enjoy a much needed breather.

I tore myself up over what to share with you this week on the blog. My brain is firing on all cylinders lately, wanting to provide you with all sorts of marketing tips, tutorials, courses + special offers to guide you + your business through this madness.


My heart though? Thats been telling me otherwise. *thump thump*


What you need right now is not more information, it's this: a reminder not to lose yourself in the chaotic unknowns of our current reality. You know, the ones that have us feeling stressed, overwhelmed, antsy, bored, anxious, exhausted, confused?


I know it's hard to escape those feelings at times like this but those stressors are the killer of creativity + the world needs your ideas now more than ever.


This crisis is not the new normal, it's just a moment in time + it will (eventually) pass. Whether it's in a few months or a few seasons - it will dissipate. To that end, I ask you this:


When it does, what actions will you have consciously taken to make this world (and your business) better than it was before? 


I hope the answer is that you kept learning + you kept creating for others because, no matter what happens, those around you will ALWAYS need that from you.


Creating is what will keep you going, knowledge is what will keep you growing. Your creativity, that wild n' beautiful beast of an imagination, will get your business through this, if you let it.


Right now isn't just about surviving, it's about thriving.


Today, I encourage you to take a breather too + a moment to realize why you're here + the value of this precious time in front of you.


The best thing you can do right now (besides stay home) is give yourself time to learn + space to create.


A wealth of innovation will come out of this - new businesses will be born, entire books will be written, ideas (big + small) will come to fruition.


Where is your place in all of this?


My hope is that you realize that just because you aren't on the front lines, doesn't mean you don't have something amazing to offer this world.


What can you create? 

How can you do business differently? 

In what new ways can you evolve?

How do you help? 


I want you to think 6 feet outside the box.


And, if the ideas don't come to you right away, give them time + remember that you're not in this alone. NO ONE has this all figured out but...the ones who will succeed + come out of this on top are the ones who are still finding ways to create value, provide opportunities + evolve solutions for their audience.


We live in such a fast paced culture + with that comes the pressure to always be "on" but, given these circumstances, are you "on" in the right ways? 


Are you still showing up?

Are you still meeting your people where they are? 

Are you still learning + creating value?


Now is a really critical time to listen to your heart + remember that you don't need permission to take massive imperfect action on your dreams. Chase them gracefully + please, please, please, keep making the effort to learn + create.


We need YOU.

Do not go gentle into the goodnight,

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An important reminder for solopreneurs struggling through COVID19 by Liz Fleming | elisabethfleming.com

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